Visit to Haughton School


Last Friday we had the best afternoon at Haughton School in Telford! I introduced my new book the ‘Ironbridge Ogre’ and read the story to the whole school on stage. The children loved it! I am pleased to hear that they have already began lessons based on the book and still continue to work on projects based on the Wrekin Giant book. Here is their literacy teacher Mr B dressed up in one of the pupils hand made Ogre masks! Also some images of their very own Ogre models… well done!

The children had some fantastic questions for me, and I really enjoyed listening to their ideas and thoughts about the book. On top of that the real life Ironbridge Ogre turned up! The children were so excited and engaged really well with the ogre!

Haughton School have a fantastic attitude and passion for learning, it was a real pleasure to visit them. Thank you for having us!

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