Our latest Charity to receive £1 from each sale of The Ironbridge Ogre Book


I am delighted to announce that our next charity to benefit from sales of the Ironbridge Ogre book is The Harry Johnson Trust.

The trust supports the families of children and teenagers who are undergoing treatment for Cancer and Leukemia. They are cared for by the children’s oncology team in The Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.

It was a pleasure to meet Sally who formed The Harry Johnson Trust and to hear about all the amazing ways the trust helps these young children and their families through such an extremely difficult time; from the smallest of items to individual tailored support, the Trust gives so much love in so many countless ways for families going through these difficult times.

The Harry Johnson Trust is also run by volunteers and 100% of money raised goes to fund their projects.

Over the next few months we will be working with Sally and hoping to raise as much as possible to go towards the Trust. We have also donated 25 books for them to give out to children on the ward for Christmas.

For more information about the Harry Johnson Trust please visit their website: www.theharryjohnsontrust.co.uk

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